
The voices of badminton

Badminton is not the most popular sport in Spain. It does not fill hours and hours of television time, nor is it the subject of debates in sports programmes.

However, if there is one thing it can boast of in the media, it is the people who have contributed to broadcasting it.

As a major reference point, we must first of all point out Javi López. Since Barcelona 92, he has been the main commentator of this sport for Televisión Española. This year he also hosted the presentation of the Madrid Spain Masters by Iberdrola at the Madrid City Hall.

Many have passed through the RTVE microphones, giving names to the shots and putting each player in the ranking. David Serrano, Javier Gallego, Carlos Longo, Roberto González and Arturo Ruiz have collaborated on various occasions in the dissemination of the fastest racket sport in the world in Spain. Sporadic collaborations have also been made by Fran Casermeiro, protagonist of the weekly news programme of the Spanish Federation. Or Jose Antonio Crespo, who recently gave words and technical explanations to the women’s singles final of the Swiss Open with Carolina Marin as the protagonist.

All of them have always given their best in front of the microphone and have brought the general public closer to this sport which, until you practice it yourself, seems very simple.

However, if there is anyone who comes close to what Gill Clark, BWF’s lead commentator, could be, it is Adrian Corrales. A scholar of the statistics, tactics and techniques of the shuttlecock, he could well write an encyclopaedia of the sport. In recent years, he has collaborated with his voice and his knowledge in the dissemination of badminton, giving his touch to each match.

In addition to all these fantastic men, badminton also has female voices. The journalist Elena Jimenez, who has recently joined the broadcasts, and the sportswoman Beatriz Corrales, who with her own voice and style also helps to bring badminton into the home.

Passion and love for the sport is what unites these people. In addition to all their knowledge and good work. Thanks to all of them for bringing to the audience the hidden details of this beautiful sport, and may it be so for many more points.

Remember that if you want to see the Madrid Spain Masters by Iberdrola for yourself, you can access the Gallur for free from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th. If you want to experience the excitement of the semifinals and finals live, your tickets are available by clicking here.

If you are unable to attend in person, you will be able to follow the matches live on the leading digital platforms and the event’s and Badminton Spain’s social media channels.

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